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Big Number Converters

Big Number converters are about converting OData's Edm.Int64 and Edm.Decimal types or any string represented number which might exceed JavaScript's build-in number type.

For the special case of Edm.Int64 which might exceed Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER you could use JavaScript's "new" BigInt type (provided by the common converter package). For all possible decimal values you will need a special, custom data type, provided by a cool third-party library.

Currently, we offer two different converter packages using libraries of the very same author:


When using OData V4, then you need to use a special format option so that the numeric values of Edm.Int64 and Edm.Decimal get transferred as string rather than number. This is necessary to prevent any precision loss in the first place.

Activate via the base setting v4BigNumberAsString.

Comparison between BigNumber and Decimal

From the comparison:

decimal.js was orginally developed through adding support for non-integer powers to bignumber.js, but I decided to release it as a separate library. The main difference between them is that precision is specified in terms of significant digits in decimal.js instead of decimal places, and all calculations are rounded to that precision (similar to Python's decimal module) rather than just those involving division.

bignumber.js is perhaps more suitable for financial applications because the user doesn't need to worry about losing precision unless an operation involving division is used.

decimal.js may be better for more scientific applications as it can handle very small or large values more efficiently. For example, it does not have the limitation of bignumber.js that when adding a value with a small exponent to one with a large exponent, bignumber.js will attempt to perform the operation to full precision, which may make the time taken for the operation unviable.

As mentioned above, decimal.js also supports non-integer powers and adds the trigonometric functions and exp, ln, and log methods. These additions make decimal.js significantly larger than bignumber.js.


OData TypeResult TypeConverter IdDescription
Edm.Int64BigIntint64ToBigIntConverterJS native type; "newly" introduced. see MDN on BigInt
Edm.Int64BigNumberbigNumberConvertersee BigNumber documentation
Edm.DecimalBigNumber bigNumberConvertersee BigNumber documentation
Edm.Int64DecimaldecimalConvertersee Decimal documentation
Edm.DecimalDecimaldecimalConvertersee Decimal documentation



You also need to install bignumber.js, so in one go:

npm install --save @odata2ts/converter-big-number bignumber.js


You also need to install decimal.js, so in one go:

npm install --save @odata2ts/converter-decimal decimal.js


To integrate any converter into any odata2ts project, add it to the list of converters within the project configuration file odata2ts.config.ts.

Converters are referenced by their package name, so in this example @odata2ts/converter-big-number.

And to make this more complex, let's say we want BigNumber for decimals and the native BigInt for Int64. The order of the converters is relevant then: The last one wins. Hence, we put the bigIntConverter last as it only handles Edm.Int64.

import { ConfigOptions } from "@odata2ts/odata2ts";

const config: ConfigOptions = {
converters: [
module: "@odata2ts/converter-common",
use: ["int64ToBigIntConverter"],

export default config;