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UI5 V2 ODataModel Converter

Converter package for interoperability between odata2ts and SAP's V2 ODataModel (sap.ui.model.odata.v2.ODataModel).

The ODataModel is not only responsible for the REST communication, but also takes care of data type conversion. This converter package supplies odata2ts with all converters needed to use the same types as the ODataModel does.

This way you get the correct types, when generating model types which represent sap.ui.model.odata.v2.ODataModel values. On the other hand, it also allows you to use the generated OData client in combination with the ODataModel.


This package adds only one special converter for converting Edm.Time to a custom object which holds the milliseconds since midnight. All other converters are imported from other packages:

  • converter-v2-to-v4
  • converter-common
OData TypeJSON Rep.FormatResult TypeUses
Edm.DateTimeOffsetstringISO 8601 Date and Time
with offsets
Edm.TimestringISO 8601 Duration
(limited to the time part)
{ ms: number }timeToMsDurationConverter


npm install --save @odata2ts/converter-ui5-v2


To integrate this converter into any odata2ts project, add it to the list of converters within the project configuration file odata2ts.config.ts. Converters are referenced by their package name, so in this case @odata2ts/converter-ui5-v2.

import { ConfigOptions } from "@odata2ts/odata2ts";

const config: ConfigOptions = {
converters: ["@odata2ts/converter-ui5-v2"],

export default config;

Select Converters

You can also choose to exactly specify which converters to use instead of automatically integrating all of them. Instead of a simple string you specify an object where the converters are listed by their id. These converter ids are listed in the conversions table.

converters: [
module: "@odata2ts/converter-ui5-v2",
use: ["dateTimeToDateTimeOffsetConverter", "dateTimeOffsetToDateConverter"],